Our Work
Since 1995, ACAP has been delivering programmes that improve our childrens education, like our mentooring programme, online tutoring, science and homework clubs. We improve the health of the community with our health projects and celebrate the vibrant culture of our people through our arts and culture projects. Get involved with our work. Together, we can make a lasting impact.
It all takes pace at
17 Claremont
Years in Operation
Project Beneficiaries
We Don’t Just Deliver
Education Programmes
We offer projects and services for women, families, and other members of the community.
ACAP Support Hub
Culturally sensitive mental health support for people from the community
Neurodiversity Project
We support Black people who are neurodivergent so that they have a better quality of life.
Healthy Lifestyles
Through our Active Women Together and other health initiatives, we help improve health outcomes.
Cultural Expression
We deliver a range of projects, all designed to celebrate our arts, culture, and heritage.
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We Change Your Life & World
Meet Our Volunteers
Scott William
Jenni For
John Deo
Dazzy Wilson