17 Claremont Bradford West Yorkshire BD7 1BG

stem 4 all

Increasing engagement in STEM in communities

1-1 Tutoring, STEM Workshops & new Science Club for Young People

ACAP STEM 4 All is a new project that provides 1-1 and group tutoring services to young people in the areas of Science, Tech, Engineering & Maths.

The project aims to deepen young people’s engagement with STEM using hands-on, fun learning activities, informational books and stories infused with science, technology, engineering and mathematical concepts. Young people learn valuable skills integrating reading, writing, spelling, grammar, critical thinking, scientific methodology, maths, statistics and more.

Our 1-1 tutoring is tailored toward each young person and reinforces what they are studying at school.


Just some of the benefits of our STEM 4 All Programme

Improved education, Increased interest, knowledge and capacity in IT and STEM subjects

Increased self-confidence in tackling science assignments and projects and an improvement in school grades.

An improvement in 21st century skills, including communication, teamwork, and analytical thinking.

A shift in attitude and ambition towards pursuing college and university to study IT and STEM subjects

Improved confidence, self-esteem and achievement in young people.

So how do we deliver the STEM 4 All programme and how does it all work?

The  1-1 tutoring sessions are administered in ten-week blocks. We offer Science, Maths and I-T tech tutoring for now and hold workshops in all STEM subjects. All our projects are inclusive however, African Caribbean young people are specially targeted because of their low numbers of admission to university for STEM subjects and their low numbers in the workplace in these industries.

1-1 tutoring is held online and our workshops and science club are held at our community centre in BD7. These sessions have been designed to be fun and engaging. Young people can also develop their social skills through a range of non-academic activities including video gaming, dance and arts and crafts during break times.

If you would like to enrol on any part of our STEM programme, contact ACAP on 01274 720254. You can also send an email to us at  office@acap.org.uk

It is important that STEM opportunities are available in the heart of the community so that they are accessible and designed by and for the people that need them the most. We would like to acknowledge the generosity of our Sponsors and acknowledge that we would not be able to run this project without their support.

ACAP Management Team

Your support will help us to purchase essential educational resources and equipment we need to change children’s lives. Please tweet, share, or donate to help us in our mission to raise the educational attainment of children and improve the work that we do with parents

Connect with us

Established in 1995, ACAP exists to advance the educational welfare and outcomes for disadvantaged people in West Yorkshire.

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17 Claremont, Bradford

West Yorkshire, BD7 1BG

Charity Reg No 1081624


01274 720254

ACAP is a Safeguarding & GDPR Compliant Organisation.

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